English Language Challenges

 I don't have much to say about the English in the university, this semester was the first time I took English, English IV, because with the test I exempted myself from the other 3. Last year I didn't have any English and when I started with this one now. I felt very rusty, but little by little I start remembering, with the help of the classes, videos I had seen, the blogs and the 2 videos recorded, so it’s been very helpful to remember what I knew.

Writing blogs helped me to develop and learn more, thanks to the different topics I wrote about, I learned new words and it start being a little easier to write. So, I could say that the blogs have helped me a lot to retake my English and expand my vocabulary.

What I need to improve the most is my vocabulary, the breadth of it and the pronunciation of the words that are more complicated, to improve this I have been watching series and movies in English. Also, sometimes I talk with my dad, since he speaks very well because of his work.

I only use English when I speak the truth with my dad, or try to understand him in the movies and series I watch, but for now I don't use English much, although I know it's important to speak it if I want to leave Chile. But the times I have had to use English the most it has been when I’ve traveled, and that helped me a lot of practice.

 Well, this is how I say goodbye with the last blog:)


  1. Do you want to leave chile or is it just an idea? :(, i will miss your blogs my friend

  2. For me, the pronunciation of some words is very challenged too. There are words that confuse a lot!!

  3. Omg I share your wish of leaving Latin America. See you in the other side.


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