Changes to my study programme


Well, there are some changes that I would like apply in my study program. First of all, there is a change that it could be in all of the careers in Chile, an is the length of studies, because in Chile the time that the careers last is more than in another countries. Then there it would be possible to be done a change with the academic load, either gathering branches or you review exhaustively the matter, that is reviewed and to eliminate the one that does not come being so important, that can be put like some elective.

Other change that it would be very good in the faculty, is to improve the infrastructure, such as the labs or even the bathrooms that are older and don’t work properly.

Change the teaching methods it’s something that in my opinion looks a bit harder, because every teacher teach in the way they think it’s properly or are used to, also many teachers don't like to use PPT very much and prefer to write on the blackboard. Also related to the teaching method it’s the use of technology, which is a change I would make gradually, because technology is not always very accessible and that’s why the most traditional way is still use.

In general, in education on Chile there are many changes to make, but it’s not always easy because these changes are expensive, and sometimes there is no money or you don’t  wanna spend money improving education. 


  1. Totally agree with you. It's necessary to improve our infrastructure ASAP.

  2. I agree, eliminating some unnecessary subjects would decrease the length of the career.

  3. I hate when the teacher's methods just make me unlearn

  4. I agree!! We need more infrastructure and should try to "teach" teachers who do not know much about technology


  5. all right, infrastructure is very important and relevant

  6. pls, we need someone to fix bathrooms and aulario´s roof or at least put a door on private library rooms...

  7. I couldn't agree more with you that shortening the duration of the career is very important and also the use of more technology should be gradual so that no one is lost out

  8. The infrastructure must always be improved is something completely necessary.


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